In Q3 2008, the 90-day money market rate was roughly 3% versus roughly 0.4% now. 在2008年第3季度,90天货币市场利率约为3%,如今在0.4%左右。
However, once a tenant moves out, the unit goes back to market rate and that has gone up10% in the last two years. 然而,一旦一名承租人搬出,这单元房屋就会回归到在过去两年内上涨了10%的市场价值。
Over the past 20 years, at least 133,000 units in the city have gone market rate because of this rule, according to the Rent Guidelines Board. 根据租金指导委员会(RentGuidelinesBoard)的数据,在过去20年里,纽约市至少有13.3万个单元因这项规定而变成市价房。
My next job was well above the market rate and I did well in that great city. 我第二份工作的薪酬远远高于市场水平,我在那个大城市里过得很好。
Empirical Research on the Stock Market Rate of Return and Volatility Spillover Effects under the Global Financial Crisis 金融危机下全球股市收益率及其波动溢出效应实证研究
Because wages are set below the market rate, the projects draw mostly poor applicants. 由于所定工资低于市场水平,因此这些项目大多聘用贫困人口。
For projects carried out by private individuals or companies, the correct rate to use for discounting is the market rate of return. 对于由个体或私人企业实施的项目,正确的贴现率为市场利率。
Multiple exchange rates for the Burmese currency, the kyat with a black market rate up to 200 per cent weaker than the official level has complicated trade and banking. 缅元(kyat)存在的多重汇率其黑市汇率比官方汇率低最多200%搅乱了贸易和银行业。
At least then you will know you are being paid the current market rate. 至少到那时,你会知道自己是按照目前市场行情拿薪水。
This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin. 这一利率水平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础,外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的。
The final rent that the landlord has offered is already below the market rate. 业主提供给你的最后租金已经比市场平均租价低了。
The so-called Japan Premium of the 1990s when Japanese banks had to pay 20 basis points above the benchmark money market rate has now reversed to a Japan discount, with local financial institutions paying at least 10 basis points below the benchmark. 上世纪90年代所谓的日本溢价日本银行支付的利率必须比货币市场基准利率高20个基点如今已变成了日本折价,本地金融机构支付的利率至少比基准利率低10个基点。
According to this set of targets, the determination Commercial bank's interest risk condition, will forecast the market rate the future change tendency. 根据这套指标,判定商业银行的利率风险状况,预测市场利率的未来变化趋势。
The seven-day rate in the inter-bank market is the closest thing China has to a genuine market rate. 7天回购利率是中国市场上最接近真正的市场利率的指标。
Exchange rate conversions are carried out at the market rate. 汇率转换依据市场汇率确定。
The goal should be to ensure that the overnight money market rate converges back towards zero. 欧洲央行的目标应该是确保隔夜货币市场利率重新趋向于零。
If a bond's contract rate exceeds the market rate, the bond sells at a premium. 如果债券的约定利率超过市场利率,债权溢价销售。
Their new asset would be liquid and pay a market rate of return. 它们的新资产将具有流动性,并支付市场水平的收益率。
Foreign exchange service at the market rate is availaBle at the reception desk of this hotel. 本宾馆服务台按市价兑换各国外币。
In normal times the market rate of interest brings about a rough correspondence between new savings and physical investment. 在正常时期,市场利率让新增储蓄与实体投资保持了大体一致。
International scholars those from outside the European Union are particularly important because they can be charged a market rate. 来自欧盟以外的国际学生尤其重要,因为英国学校可以按照市场价格向他们收费。
Bonds sell at a premium when the contract interest rate on the bond exceeds the market rate for similar bonds. 当债券的合同利率高于相似债券的市场利率时,债券溢价发行。
We pay the go rate or the market rate for typist. 我们按现价或市场价支付打字员。
It is not clear why Petronas would agree to sell LNG to CNOOC at a price below the prevailing market rate, but it may signify a longer-term relationship between the countries. 目前还不清楚,马来西亚国家石油公司为何愿意以低于市场主流的价格向中海油出售液化天然气,但它可能表明了中马两国之间更为长期的关系。
Let those who wish to trade raise capital and pay the market rate for their activities. 那些想要从事交易业务的机构,应该自己募集资本,并根据它们的交易活动支付市场水平的资本成本。
A bond with a contract rate below the market rate sells at a discount. 债券的约定利率低于市场利率则折价销售。
Third, investors should be able to transfer funds in or out of the country, without delay, at a market rate of exchange. 第三,投资者应该能以市场汇率随时将资金转入和转出该国。